Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Lab Assignment #4 ArcGIS

This is the first time for me to use a geographical information system software. I actually had a hard time in doing the tutorial because I am not good at controlling the program on the computer. I like reading maps but this is the first time for me to do maps. I repeated the tutorial more than three times and I tried to feel comfortable with the ArcGIS. Right now, I feel much better after repeating the tutorial. This is a good experience for me to know more about geographical information system.
Although I had a hard time in using ArcGIS, I think it is straightforward and easy to use for most people. The user can read and store the data easily on the computer. All of the data can show at a time just like the exercise I did here. Although it can become complicated when more than 1 layers come together in the system, it is a good way to show the related information that the user need to know. I really like the part that except the stored data, most of the part you can design on your own. For example, the legend and the scale can resize and reposition all the time. User can use different color in the legend to represent different things and it may not confuse others.
ArcGIS can provide useful information to everyone, from public to business. From this ArcGIS exercise, we can notice the noise area of an airport and the potential noise impact that schools in the area may receive. It provides an useful information to the public that the impact of the airport to its surrounding area. In other words, ArcGIS can provide information like population density in the area. For those people who would like to have business in particular area, they can notice if the area is heavily populated or not. It provides any kind of information that may help people to make their decision in a wisely way. 
Last but not least, there is pitfall with ArcGIS. I believe that ArcGIS is an useful tool for many aspects of the world. However, it is too expensive to afford the cost of the software. This is a reason for ArcGIS is more available to government, business and school to do research, but not the public. ArcGIS is an useful tool in daily life. I hope the cost of the software will be lowered in the future so more people can get access into this useful tool. People will get more aware into their surrounding area and environment. 

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