Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Lab Assignment #3

View Bay Area trip in a larger map

The theme of this map is to demonstrate the road trip that I head back to San Francisco Bay Area from the Los Angeles Area. I am an international transfer student and I studied in the community college of the San Francisco Bay Area. In this map, I would like to demonstrate what freeways I need to use in my road trip. From the starting point of my home to my old apartment, it needs 4 freeways. They are freeway 405, 5, 580 and 680. It takes almost 6.5 hours for more than 300 miles from Los Angeles to Bay Area. I also pointed 2 gases station for to refill for the gas and take a rest. The map also showed where I used to live and where my first host family in the United States. Both of them were really close to my college. Some of the places I love in the Bay Area are also shown on this map. Finally, I embedded videos for both my community college and UCLA in the map. Everyone should know more about what my community college and UCLA after watching the videos. Both colleges are awesome! 
Neogeography can have a lot of pitfalls, potentials and consequences. First, we always concern about the accuracy or the source of information. For example, in this map exercise, all of the information is given out by myself. I designed everything in this map such as the location that I lived, the freeway that I choose. However, I am not a professional so it is not guaranteed that everything shows on this map it's real and accurate. This is the biggest pitfalls in neogeography. Second, I think neogeography has a great potential in the future development of search engine. For example, yelp and yellow pages are the concepts of neogeography. They have information with the map locations and some personal reviews. Search result can be narrowed and all depends on what type of information you would like to get. Neogeography can be one of the most popular topic in the future. However, there are some consequences with neogeography. As well as everyone can access to the public information, privacy will be one of the problems in neogeography. Everyone can read the information or the maps that the user has made. Moreover, since most of the information is public, some can even edit by other users. This may also lower the accuracy of the information given out in the concept of neogeography. Other then that, neogeography can be a sucessful tool in human life.       

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