Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Lab #6 DEMs in ArcGIS

For this week's lab, I have chosen the location the east of San Francisco. That is the East Bay Area. I used to live around this place. My living place was really close to the freeway-680 and the Mountain Diablo. The reason for me to choose this location because I really want to discover more around that area. By downloading the data from USGS, I can make the maps and models for this lab. The 3-D model shows that the area that I choose is a mountainous area. There are high and low mountains or hills in that area. Although I am not sure the map or model that I made is correct, it is a good experience for me to explore the area.

Extent information:
Top: 37.8592
Left: -122.1836
Right: -121.9997
Bottom: 37.7317

Geographic coordinate system:
North American Datum 1983
UTM Zone 10

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